New staking pool on Alvey Chain :. Stake:. Buy walv bnb/eth. Bridge walv to alv. Wrap alv to walv on our chain.

05 Jul 2023, 11:23
New staking pool on Alvey Chain : Stake: Buy walv bnb/eth. Bridge walv to alv. Wrap alv to walv on our chain. Stake walv with switch to Alvey Chain on top Unstake/Claim: Claim/Unstake walv on chain. Unwrap walv to alv. Bridge ausdt to eth/bnb and unwrap to usdt on bnb/eth walv contract: 0xCb3e9919C56efF1004E54175a01e39163a352129 ausdt contract: 0x7a0b5E86d2C1e873E005780419eeE16ba741808a Add them to your wallet