VC Summary. - Bkex under investigation, please be careful on CEXs and look to move your wALV to DeFi wallets. Gate.

01 Jun 2023, 11:52
VC Summary - Bkex under investigation, please be careful on CEXs and look to move your wALV to DeFi wallets. also have rumours of insolvency. - VR exchange is on test net and available for testing. This will also be announced on Twitter today, bug hunt on going. - Native ALV now listed on CEX, this is huge for the entire blockchain. - New explorer will be ready soon (next week), CC have been working like crazy to fix some issues, their team has reduced in numbers. - Validators will be online once new explorer is launched. - Huge marketing will start, we have over $100,000 in marketing wallet. - Some sort of buying/trading competition on pancake will start soon. - Huge thank you to community for voting on Certik and being active on Twitter! ❤️ - Working with JP Morgan - Chase, can’t say too much but working on getting official announcement via Twitter. I may have missed something as I’m also at my real job.